[Free][WIP] Supreme Crafting

Hi, i release today a WIP crafting system that utilizes the ox_lib context menu using OX_INVENTORY and QBCore framework, this crafting system works on recipe items. Recipe items are stored in the database, and then the data is sent to the context on client to see if you have the recipe and displays it on the context menu.

This is working in progress and is not 100 percent the best but has potential. Im always up for people contributing to the project and making it better to use.

The script depends on ox_lib and oxmysql and uses framework QBCORE and inventory OX_INVENTORY Have a look at the coding and get familiar with it, its simple enough to use.

  1. Uses recipe items
  2. Uses ox_lib
  3. Qbcore Framework
  4. Uses Ox_Inventory

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