[FREE][WEAPON] Xmas Machete

Fury Xmas Machete
Free Addon weapon

–Ox Inventory → data → weapons.lua
– add

label = ‘Xmas Chete’,
weight = 2500,
durability = 0.1,

Inventory image included

Download [Here]

If you want to use this in one of youre free scripts please make a attribution. Not allowed to use in any paid scripts only non-commercial purposes.

Other free assets from Fury

| Assets are accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | no|
| Polygons (model and LOD) | 6750 |
| Texture size and amount | 757 kb/ 4 textures |
| Requirements none |
| Support | Yes |


can you remake for apocalypse ? plss

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An edible weapon, now that’s what I want for christmas! Great work!

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A bloody version you mean ?

yeahh, with wood and metal and blood

Do you need something more for apocalypse?