[FREE] Weapon Serial Scratching


Github: GitHub - KevinGirardx/kevin-weaponscratch
Video Preview: weapon scratch

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 100
Requirements qbcore, qb-target, ox_lib ,lj/qb inventory
Support Yes


Can you do a weapon repair station as well?

there is one that already comes with qbcore

yes but it sucks lol

maybe a player gunsmith job that emplyees make repairs / and scratch serial also :wink: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

pls esx version with qs-iventory compability


Do you want mayonnaise and mustard too sir?


think he will still want something additional lol

ill think about it later today.


ox-inventory ?

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Could you make this work with ox inventory


I am getting these errors on a fresh install of this resource

sure. ty

maybe you can get here mayo and mustard :wink:

This is nice, Is there a way you can make it where it removes the item after use? :slight_smile:

no, if thats what you want you can do that. Its not hard to add removeitem function

im getting the same error, did you figure it out? just a beginner here. this script is so dope but i cant get it working lol

you need ox lib its in the readme

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thank you Kevin, it worked perfect for me, I made the mistake of using a hyphen instead of a underscore when ensuring it. Your scripts are unique and dope bro thank you for sharing this with us

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to fix this just change the location thats what i did

here if anyone needs the script for ESX Legacy, OX_Lib, Ox_inventory and in German

ESX_OX_Kevin-WeaponScratch.zip (11.4 KB)

The coords are currently in the casino lost mc area