[FREE] WarMenu - Lua Menu Framework

Oh my bad, The code doesn’t seem to run. When I try to open the menu, nothing happens.

Try this:

AddEventHandler('playerSpawned', function()

And check your console for any errors.

Ok I will try it now, I have checked my console, no errors when trying to open.

Make sure that warmenu and your resource were started.
Make sure that your script is actually running (added to your __resource.lua).
Change WarMenu.debug to true to see if your menus were created.

The menu did not open onload. I will include what I have done in a zip file, I suspect that there is something wrong with my file structure. When I try to start warmenu, the server says that it couldn’t find warmenu. LifeLikeMenu.tar.gz (17.5 KB)

You should put warmenu in resources folder.
Check this for more details.

Your test menu opens then closes instantly. Any idea why?

Update 0.9.8

  • Added WarMenu.IsAnyMenuOpened() API
  • Fixed WarMenu.SetMenuWidth() API
  • Fixed background sprite preloading
  • Made WarMenu.Checkbox callback parameter as optional, updated Usage section
  • Improved input handling

I’m new to scripting in Lua, excuse any errors or questions you’ve already answered, I did look at all 169 comments before making this. I’m having a few issues.

I could be using the function wrong but whenever I try
WarMenu.SetMenuFocusColor(id, r, g, b, a) it doesn’t error, but also doesn’t apply the color when focused. I used your example code to make sure it wasn’t something wrong with my resource

Code + Screenshot
    local items = { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4", "Item 5" }
    local currentItemIndex = 1
    local selectedItemIndex = 1
    local checkbox = true

    WarMenu.CreateMenu('test', 'Test title')
    WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('closeMenu', 'test', 'Are you sure?')
    WarMenu.SetMenuFocusColor('test', 0, 255, 255, 200)

    while true do
        if WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('test') then
            if WarMenu.CheckBox('Checkbox', checkbox) then
                  checkbox = not checkbox
                  -- Do your stuff here
            elseif WarMenu.ComboBox('Combobox', items, currentItemIndex, selectedItemIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
                    currentItemIndex = currentIndex
                    selectedItemIndex = selectedIndex

                    -- Do your stuff here if current index was changed (don't forget to check it)
                end) then
                  -- Do your stuff here if current item was activated
            elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Exit', 'closeMenu') then

        elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('closeMenu') then
            if WarMenu.Button('Yes') then
            elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('No', 'test') then

        elseif IsControlJustReleased(0, 0) then --M by default


I noticed how some menus people have shown have sprites, how would I go about doing that? I see the native DrawSprite(textureDict, textureName, screenX, screenY, width, height, heading, red, green, blue, alpha) Doesn’t this just draw on the screen?

Lastly I’m trying to call a function if a menu.button is pressed, whenever I add the function to the if statement it instantly stops the resource from working.

 function giveCopWeapons()
    weaponComponent("weapon_combatpistol", "COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH")

 function giveWeapon(weaponHash)
    GiveWeaponToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), weaponHash, 200, false, false)
 function weaponComponent(weaponHash, component)
    if HasPedGotWeapon(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(weaponHash), false) then
        GiveWeaponComponentToPed(GetPlayerPed(-1), GetHashKey(weaponHash), GetHashKey(component))

    WarMenu.CreateMenu('PDDrawClothes', 'LAPD Clothes')
--[[ToDo: Uncomment]]
--    WarMenu.SetMenuX('CopMainMenu', 0.75) --[0.0..1.0] top left corner
--    WarMenu.SetMenuY('CopMainMenu', 0.01) --[0.0..1.0] top
    WarMenu.SetTitleColor('PDDrawClothes', 255, 255, 255, 255)
    WarMenu.SetTitleBackgroundColor('PDDrawClothes', 0, 0, 255, 100)
    WarMenu.SetSubTitle('PDDrawClothes', 'Pick Your Clothes')
    WarMenu.SetMenuTextColor('PDDrawClothes', 255, 255, 255, 255)
    WarMenu.SetMenuFocusColor('PDDrawClothes', 0, 0, 255, 255)

    while true do
        if WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('PDDrawClothes') then
            if WarMenu.Button('Test') then


I’m seeming to not be able to trigger my menu to open while inside a vehicle… Is that a limitation of WarMenu?

looks good

Can i edit the look of menu? I want to get look like my esx menu default

I can help you if you need

Hello we can not change the coordinates of the hospital menu

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Why ?

Hello tell me how I have to change the coordinates of the location

Envoyé depuis Yahoo Mail pour Android

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to help you change that I would have to see your code that uses its coordinates I can not know it as well

how do i make this shit work? @Warxander

This menu is far from being a shit and it works perfectly well :wink: :slight_smile:

that dont answer the question homie