[FREE] WarMenu - Lua Menu Framework

Not the help I was hoping for…kind of lackluster answers tbh.

I don’t know why your talking about private methods either? No where in my post has private methods…in fact they are global methods

Your right it does kind of suck in some ways but I like it and want to try make it work, even improve it. I was hoping since you released it you would have a better understanding of it but it seems like its not the case…

Is it possible we could see a description option / ability that shows up at the bottom of the menu something like this:

this would be great if so and even better if I happen to have missed it somewhere in your docs?

Could you post some of the code for the sprite stuff you did would really want to see it.

Wait are you serious?

Use NativeUI?? Or be fine with WarMenu with the features it does have, or add it in.

Was never complaining dude just asking and i would add it my self but at the moment don’t have time just trying to help recommend an idea…

Anyone got any ideas on how to set it so for example I have these options in a combo box, m9, glock, smg. If one of these is selected and button “equip” is pressed then trigger the event assigned to that weapon?

Such as if weapon is selected, then equip selected weapon, then triggerevent.


I’m doing a clothes script on an ES but I have a problem updating the PED when I’m in the menu I test everything but I do not find how to do I’m block

here is my problem right now :

Check Usage section for WarMenu.ComboBoxexample.

Is it your script?
If yes - share your code, if no - ask script developer?

Project is suspended

There will be no more updates

You can still try to get support here

I would recommend to use NativeUILua because it have better architecture and more options

Hello :slight_smile:

yes it’s my script create from a to z for the code here is the code in question:


How do I do this?..

how do i add submenus

This is fresh :rotating_light:

However, is it possible to put images into the menu
(say if I was going to create a vehicle spawner, would I be able to show the vehicle as an image)?

Is possible to make it close itself quickly after pressing escape? I’ve seen it before, but only for resources working with nui focus… :confused:

Love this Release!
Good job man!

Yes, but you should code it by yourself.

So, I have followed the instructions laid out in the readme file. my code looks like this:


resource_manifest_version '44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937'

description 'FiveM LLRP Client Menu'


And then my lua script:

	local items = { "Online Player List", "Character", "Vehicle", "Weapon", "Word", "Settings", "Close" }
	local currentItemIndex = 1
	local selectedItemIndex = 1
	local checkbox = true

	WarMenu.CreateMenu('lifeLike', 'Life Like Menu')
	WarMenu.CreateSubMenu('Close', 'lifeLike', 'Are you sure?')

	while true do
		if WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('lifeLike') then
			if WarMenu.CheckBox('Checkbox', checkbox, function(checked)
					checkbox = checked
				end) then
					-- Do your stuff here
			elseif WarMenu.ComboBox('Combobox', items, currentItemIndex, selectedItemIndex, function(currentIndex, selectedIndex)
					currentItemIndex = currentIndex
					selectedItemIndex = selectedIndex

					-- Do your stuff here if current index was changed (don't forget to check it)
				end) then
					-- Do your stuff here if current item was activated
			elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('Exit', 'Close') then

		elseif WarMenu.IsMenuOpened('Close') then
			if WarMenu.Button('Yes') then
			elseif WarMenu.MenuButton('No', 'lifeLike') then

		elseif IsControlJustReleased(0, 244) then -- M by default


-- AddEventHandler('onClientMapStart', function()
--     -- 'open the menu' code 
--     end)

I have included the folder called warmenu which contains its own `__resource.lua and its own code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

… but I didn’t see any question in your post :thinking: