(FREE) Vehicle Spawn Menu

Free Vehicle Spawn Menu made by one of our Developers.
Some Assembly required
You need to know what you are doing to set this up.

Download On GitHub

Short explanation on how to set up below.

So there is an example in the menu.lua but that example needs to be changed to a different car/truck etc, when configuring there own cars/trucks into the menu, there can be as many sub menus in the script as they want for each category like “DOT” “fast cars” etc and as many cars/trucks can be put into each menu

The point of the script is to have a vehicle menu that’s easy to access with each category breaking up the list of cars, it can also be set In discord ace permissions so certain roles can spawn certain cars for example donator vehicles can be set to donator roles so only those people can spawn and use the cars/trucks


This is really cool! Thank you!

1 Like

I recommend to use fxmanifest.lua instead of __resource.lua because is old


Np glad you enjoy it!

We will when it stops working but for now it still works perfectly fine :+1:. And thanks for commenting

Can it spawn more than one vehicle at a time?

Is there a maximum limit of vehicles the menu can have in it?