[Free] Vehicle Extra Menu

FiveM Extra Menu

A simple menu to make changing vehicle extras easy with the ability to customize the names extras have within the menu for certain vehicles.
Cover Image

Demo Screenshots

Normal Names Custom Names
Normal Names Custom Names

Location Open Example
Location Open


You can also direct download it here:
ExtraMenu.zip (9.2 KB)
Head over to the GitHub page.


Support for the script is provided!
I will do my best to check the forums, but heading over to the GitHub page is better!


Any updates will be posted as replies to the thread and listed below.

Note: The download link above will always be up to date!

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Thank you all regardless! More to come in the future, so I hope you enjoy!


ox lib would be fire

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Hello ! Can you add an option for extras not to repair the vehicle but for example for a police vehicle remove the lights on top of the vehicle, but without repairing it? do you think this is possible?

Well, it really depends, as with how GTA works the extras require repairing with any extra that has collisions. From what I have been told, to have lights work properly they require collisions as well. This means to modify a lighting-based extra, you have to repair it. HOWEVER, it may be able to work in the removing aspect as I was able to get extras to go away without repairing, but I am not 100% sure if the lighting dummies (what emits the light) would still appear.

Summary: It may be possible, but I’d have to mess with it.
I’ll try to give it a look sometime today or tomorrow when I get a bit of free time.

I can look into that, but it likely won’t be anything I have time to implement for a hot minute with my current schedule.

Def gona add to my serve great!

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Unfortunately, the script doesn’t work for me, as soon as the script is on my server I have no more things in my inventory and can no longer spawn cars or park them out of the garage, what can be the reason?

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This makes little sense because the script has no interaction with such things. Unless your server is set up in some weird way, that issue shouldn’t be caused by the script.

Do you have any errors in your console (F8 or server) that you could provide for greater context?

unfortunately I have no errors

This happens to me too, my server literally dead XD and non error on F8 console or server console.

I am not exactly sure why that would be happening. The script shouldn’t conflict with anything externally as the only external resource it requests is NativeUI and ace permissions checks.

The only thing I could think of is somehow something with NativeUI is goofing up something somewhere, but without in-depth testing or errors, I am not exactly sure.

Update v3.2.0 | Latency Fix

Fixed Server Latency Error that was caused by ace permissions.

We got reports of the script causes latency issues and just eating server resources, so after some evaluation, we noticed that the ace permissions setup was causing some issues. We have changed how it works. Now, everything should be good, but please report any issues to us!

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Shadow-Develops/extramenu/compare/v3.0.0…v3.2.0

Updated Download:
ExtraMenu.zip (8.7 KB)
Github: View Release
Links in may post are edited to be update to date as well.

thk u man

Update v3.3.0 | Command Open

Added the ability to open the script with a command.

There was a request made for the addition of the ability to open the script via a command, so we have added such a feature. You can now open the menu with a command and prevent the keybind from working or allow both.
Note: The location open system still requires the keybind to work.

Full Changelog: https://github.com/Shadow-Develops/extramenu/compare/v3.2.0…v3.3.0

Updated Download:
ExtraMenu.zip (8.4 KB)
Github: View Release
Links in main post are edited to be update to date as well.

Update v3.5.0 | Livery Selection
Added a brand new section to select liveries, and it allows for custom names too. This was added as many people requested it, so enjoy!

Full Changelog: Comparing v3.4.0...v3.5.0 · Shadow-Develops/extramenu · GitHub

Updated Download:
ExtraMenu.zip (9.2 KB)
Github: View Release
Links in the main post are edited to be updated to date as well.

it could be awesome if someone could convert this to esx

Unless you are talking about having it linked to jobs or such, it will work in ESX servers as it is a standalone script.