[FREE] Vanilla Gang Vest Pack BRIGHT

Vanilla gangs Vest Pack for FiveM (Bright)
This pack has 6 (BRIGHT) diffrent Vanilla GTA Gang vests:

Ballas - Purple

Los Santos Triads - Red

Marabunta Grande - Blue

The Families - Green

Vagos - Yellow

Varrios Los Aztecas - Cyan

Pack Download:
BVGVP_ByDreadasz.zip (17.8 MB)


  • Added Female Vests

Fell free to suggest any more vest ideas in the comments.

Code is accessible N/A
Subscription-based N/A
Lines (approximately) N/A
Requirements Cfx.re Element Club Argentum :cd:
Support Yes
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no Female?

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Hey! I forgot to add the female models :sweat_smile: . I edited this post and included the female models in this pack. Thanks for reaching out tho!

Awesome, also forgot to say thank you for sharing this

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you silly theres a female 1 u tosser