What is AdrenCAD? AdrenCAD is a free to use, no installation needed, FiveM CAD/MDT. Use of AdrenCAD is free. To begin using AdrenCAD please visit our website and create a new community.
I’ve went ahead and contacted you on discord, we have a private API that I would be willing to let you use. But at the time we have no public API for this, we are working on a public one as we speak!
This Script is insane, like just from signing up in the CAD and using the plugins in-game my server roleplays became even better. This is a must have for all servers.
[ c-scripting-core] InvokeNative: execution failed: Argument at index 1 was null.
[ script:911-script] Error! Unexpected error while trying to create call.
I’m very curious, what did you see as the benefit to tying server’s cad to a third party’s database instead of simply using the one they’re already connected to for gameplay? I see that you’ve made the API public, removing one absurd restriction to using the CAD but what does everyone do when you decide to let the system go dark? Why not provide a CAD they can use regardless of whether your server is up or not?
Hello Schwim, Thank you for your feedback. Im a little confused on what you meant by “what did you see as the benefit to tying server’s cad to a third party’s database instead of simply using the one they’re already connected to for gameplay?”. What ingame database are you talking about? But to answer your question about why we setup our own servers because it gives us more access.
Does this work only with other players or will it work for Peds as well? Meaning, if I pull over a ped using FivePD script, if I search the random peds name, will it show any info?
Hey @IamAdren, really nice work you’ve put out. I was wondering if there is any option for self hosting this in in a docker. Last time we used a 3rd party website for CAD we ran into a lot of problems due to the provider constantly doing unscheduled maintenance and tons of outages.