[FREE] Trucker job

Free trucker job


> Level system
> Admin settings
> Randomize locations
**> Config trucks **
> Config reward, exp, kilometer (random)



**Support is available via github.**

**Any suggesstions are welcome.**

[quote="Djonzaa, post:1, topic:5275538, full:true"]

**Free trucker job**


**> Level system**
**> Admin settings**
**> Randomize locations**
**> Config trucks **
**> Config reward, exp, kilometer (random)**



Support is available via github.

Any suggesstions are welcome.

GitHub - Djonza/truckerjob: FiveM truckerjob.


thanks for the credit bro :wink:

Look at github, the issue has been solved.

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-21 161114

When does this happen?

When I want to open the menu to start the work

qb pls

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The resource should be updated on github, server/main.lua

I’ll look into it :slight_smile:

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Yes I also want this in qb

this line in the server main lua makes the problem

local result = MySQL.query.await(‘SELECT level FROM electrian_playerstats WHERE identifier = ?’, {identifier})

change the electrian_playerstats to player_stats in the server main lua and restart. It will work then

after opening the menu, this happens…

I dont know how to fix this one, do you?

Is it possible to make a job requirement for this script?

The truckerjob on github is tested before launching, it should work just fine, please check our Discord for any help.

Did you really do that because if you look at the picture with the js errors and your script.js and look at the lines it doesn’t work because it doesn’t say what the folder is called or why does it say /d-truckerjob? after your folder it must be called /truckerjob

The resource should be name d-truckerjob. As i just saw that is not the case in this situation. As i mentioned, please visit our Discord as im more often active on Discord than here.

It is, if you need any help you can check our Discord:

without ox_target please

People always take it easy, just change the main order to d-truckerjob, reload the script and it works. :smiley: