[FREE] Trash Search Rewards

Search Trash Bins and Earn Rewards
–Find Bins in Map
–Loot Bins
–Earn Rewards Of Your Choice
–Discord Logs

Script created on 1.1 es_extended
Download :lz-trashsearch.rar (2.9 KB)

Config Options:

You can found progbar here (https://github.com/HalCroves/mythic_progbar)

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+
Requirements mythic_progbar
Support Yes

For any bug or suggestion reply


where download link


sorry, I forgot, I uploaded it now

0.0 when you are not near in bin

please optimize for ESX LEGACY 1.8.5
thank you so much (1.8.5 not working)
it _resource.lua i use fxmanifest.lua

where is the instant download link?

direct download?? read the rules!!

added your script, im on legacy 1.8.5 and it has started displaying this over the screen.
its still there after removing the script and restarting the server

@lazosss can you please tell me how to fix this