[FREE] Throwable Weapon

Throwable Weapon

  • Ox_inventory and ESX compatible
  • Save Metadata and components
  • Sync between players
  • Optimized

Link: GitHub - Nyteross/throwable_weapon
Preview: https://youtu.be/yhxYyU84ZvU

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~200
Requirements Ox_inventory or ESX
Support Yes

Reminds me of Pickle’s Weapon Throwing i like it


how about QB?

qs inventory maybe?

Can you make this work with qs-inventory pls

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Will make an update later to make it compatible with QB


Will see to make an update for make it compatible too

can you make it compatible with cheeza inventory?

Hello, I have a problem with the script. Certain weapons are being thrown but then returning to my inventory. How can I fix this issue?

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Did you have any error or something like that ?

No, I don’t have any errors in the console

The links no longer work? Could you please fix them?

Link updated sorry for long time to answer

link down

your github link is down

Hey link updated

pickles doesnt save metadata tho :frowning: Ima go with this one once its qb compatible

i have same issue , and the ones that will throw , land right in front of me no matter how far i try to throw it. how do i fix ? i use ox_inventory but i still have ESX framework

Yes it does

The script doesn’t work using ox_inventory and esx but still nothing, it drops and it keeps in inventory