[FREE] | The Taco Farmer MLO

*Attention this map is protected with Tebex encrypt system

This interior are builded based for The Taco Farmer

- Main Room with tables, chair, tray and much more…

- This map contain has drive thru also

- This map contain many custom props and much more…

- Very light and optimized, only 14MB!

Purchase on TEBEX
The Taco Farmer Clothing
The Taco Farmer Job Script

Connect Through DISCORD


As two creator named @OGMaps and @TroooperCorentin were involved in this situation. OG got the file of my mlo from somewhere and sold to trooper even he do not have any rights. They both do not have permission to sell it. So here i decided to give this mlo for free. i am uploading the screen shot below you can have a look in he is claiming that he made this mlo but he did not and he is saying that i posted it after trooper but the reality is i posted it on tebex in 2024.

| Code is accessible | No |
| Subscription-based | No |
| MLO | Yes |
| Number of rooms | 1 Hall |
| Number of entities | 1k |
| Requirements & dependencies | No |
| Support | Yes |


you made this?

Hello There, Yes our team made this.

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So your team made the exact same one as mine???

This is what mine looks like:

Why are you reselling bud?

You are saying you made it Right? Can you share me your tebex

And please share pic of stream folder. Want to see files

Here comes the truth. Do you know what does iconic mean in every file.

iconic is my RP server name for which this mlo was made and you purchased from a xyz guy and reselling it Now and saying to Me. Wow


Who made the MLO for you then?

You know everything now. Who is right here?

This situation has been fixed.

Both parties have permission to resell.

CruxStudio is a legit seller.

i did not gave you permission as your OG Maps is scamming people. Selling my maps without my permission.

Do not buy from him as he do not have right and got scammed by OG Maps. The real scammer in this community who is scamming people and giving rights which he also do not have.


Thanks for the MLO!

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I get texture loss with another MLO nearby after putting in yours.

Can you please open a ticket on dc.

@TheIndra por favor presta atención a esto @moderation

Yes Please i opened a ticket also 10 days back on cfx but there is no reply till now.

I have seen this same map back in 2021, but your account was created in 2022. I don’t understand what’s going on but feel this post should be closed while Cfxre and Tebex investigate as this MLO has been spread around more than a certain Jeffrey’s visitor flight list.
