**FREE** SXM-Bury

Free Resource - Player Drag and Carry System

This is a free resource I originally created for someone who requested it. However, due to personal issues, I wasn’t able to access my PC for a while, and they ended up releasing a version of the work without any thanks or credit to me. That motivated me to come back and create an even better version, which I’m now releasing for free.

I won’t call out anyone by name, but shout out to Body Drag - icemallow-bodydrag for the animation inspiration. Although none of his work was used in this script, the animation idea came from him.

the resource is Open Sourced


  • Drag and carry players
  • Place players in trunks
  • Bury players who are in an injured or death state

Resource Details:

Code is accessible yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1600
Requirements QBCore or ESX
Support Yes

(For releases without code, the non-applicable fields can be marked as N/A)

*GITHUB all files are opensourced


icemallow free resource


you need a GitHub link for free downloads

where does it state that bro the resource is for free available and if correct the post is allowed otherwise you wouldent see it or am i wrong? and tebex link is there to download that is also allowed

brother, it links this page before you post Releases Rules and FAQ - FiveM Resource Development & Modding / Releases - Cfx.re Community

Free releases: Releases that are released for free must contain a download other than Tebex (such as a direct download or GitHub). You may include a Tebex link but it must not be the only download.

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appreciated brother i will make a github also now thnks brother

free resources must have a direct download or GitHub link

You have 2 free resources both must be on Github or have a direct download

Read the rules

you dont see the github link i added that let me know if you still dont see that :EDIT ( i did not realize you were talking about the icemallow resource too i have know added his resource link to my other links so it should be more clear now thnks for the help as im not familiar with releasing resources as i do that mostly in private and just since a couple months i decided to work towards making resources for the fivem community

The complete resource must be on github

Nothing may be encrypted

This post has already been reported because it violates the guidelines

Everyone must follow the rules. Free = direct download or GitHub link. The complete resource and it must not be encrypted

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bro i wont share the full opensource now as most in the fivem community are stealing other poeples work to sell that for profit if any issue i will see some kind of notification from cfx then i will decide what to do otherwise i can do pay 1 cent then that solves the whole issue

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dont cry i know you are probably with those other guys that did not credit my work but its with all files on github now goodluck with your reports

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Because of the situation with the initial request, I’ve decided to make this resource fully open-source once enough people have downloaded it.


Let me get this straight. You’re saying that once enough people download the resource, you’ll make it fully open-source, but until then, it’s not? How does that make any sense? If you’re going to open-source it eventually, what’s the difference between now and later? People can still take it whenever they want. Where’s the logic in holding back? If the end goal is to make it open-source, why wait for a certain number of downloads? It feels like you’re just delaying the inevitable for no real reason.

This seems like a way to get people to download it without knowing what’s inside those escrowed files. And on top of that, you act like you can bend the rules because you’re special. Just because you’re releasing something for free doesn’t mean you deserve special treatment. I won’t download it until it’s fully open-source. Others can do what they want, but your approach doesn’t seem honest to me.

you clearly did not read i mentioned why i wont do open source direct but you came here to just make it seem untrusty but fivem escrow is trusted its the same as we use for paid resources so what you say all the paid resources are not save and its full lua resource there are no javascript or html codes implemented how would that be any harm to you explain to me how this seems not honest what can my code do to you if escrowed with cfx escrowing be any harm or dishonest to be fair i think you just want the full resource and use the work good luck i know when the time is ripe and that is when i see enough poeple have downloaded my resource that means that if any one uses my work they will get reported and exposed also other poeple have downloaded it already i think you are not fair at the moment but okay

Well you seems to not understand what CFX rules are.

Every script that is FREE must include a github link with no data encrypted.

Because we don’t know if in those files you have put something. Could be a backdoor or worse.

So first, I won’t download your resource even if it’s interesting. And second I’m reporting this because it should not be allowed.

And I really hope this post goes deleted or you change your mind before active moderator take care of it.

Because wanting to contribute to the community by partially giving code is making basically limit it and doesn’t help.

So pretty sure the only people who download just want to “try” the script but will not use it.

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you can also download via tebex bro so for any that wants to complain just report it i have done my research i came to the conclussion when we use cfx escrowed files that is allowed also i mentioned 2 files are CFX escrowed and also mentioned download link to my tebex page to download the full resource and Cfx has no issue with cfx escrowing but dont accept other type of encrypting so please read it and you dont need to download it there are others that will download it as they have servers running and dont sell resource i did not release this for you modders to use it that is not the purpose of this resource this is for RP SERVERS TO USE !

I don’t think you did understand any of our message. I’m myself, owner of a RP SERVERS.

We like those kind of resources. But if we can’t see what’s behind the encryption of something FREE we cannot risk anything.

Also, if you did your “research” you will also see that ANY FREE RESOURCES MUST BE ON GITHUB AND NOT TEBEX SHOP EVEN IF IT’S FREE.

You’re not the first, and won’t be the last thinking the same way you do right now.

Right now, your excuse is : I don’t want my code to be open and taken until I got enough downloads.

So basically, you just block everyone who want to get the script, have fun with it and edit to their needs.

And you can say as much as you want, nobody will download this due to that.

Especially when you say on the readme on git: ntil enough poeple have used this resource so i wont see my work fly away and other poeple get credit for.

Just get over with and stop acting like a kid for real. If you make something free for the community it should be open not restricted.

You lost our interest when we saw that. So you’ve missed opportunity for your script to be show on our servers. And pretty sure we’re not the only one!

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create your own simple as that

Great mentality. You will get far.

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Do you even english bruv? Or your English is escrowed too ? You’re pointing fingers with no context, accusing everyone of stealing from your great work. Are you arguing with yourself now? You say people using your work will be reported and exposed, but your text doesn’t make much sense. If you want to be understood, make your point clear.

I’ll just move on since your attitude is giving me bad vibes.

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I’ll do the same cause, I just re re re read what he said.

He said he encrypted with CFX but no .fxap in the github.

So how do we really know he actually used encryption from CFX ? :slight_smile:

I’ll pass and let the moderator take a decision but I’m not using something that have prob some back door or worse lol

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i come back on my words you guys were in the right i will make it open source now