[FREE] [STANDALONEM] Fivem-HelpWaypoints

Simple fivem script for creating helpful markers on the map in the game making gameplay easier and looking nice

local coords = vec3(2281.5424804688, 4813.0190429688, 55.574935913086 - 1.0)

while true do 
    local playercoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
    local dist = #(coords-playercoords)
    local metry = math.ceil(dist * 1)
    exports['shinyx-HelpWaypoints']:DrawDestination(coords, "Example", metry)

Hello, cool but the direction doesnt work

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while true do
local playercoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
local dist = #(coords-playercoords)
local metry = math.ceil(dist * 1)
exports[‘shinyx-HelpWaypoints’]:DrawDestination(coords, “Example”, metry)

Now it should work

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No :frowning: i see a white rect on the side of screen, also if the coordinates is in front of me

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can you send screenshot?

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download new version

Oh now i see the texture! But for me is ever on the side of screen, i nevere see it in front of me like your screen (when im near the point)

r u sure that you put right coordinates?

Yes, I try also with more cords I had in other scripts, nothing. :face_holding_back_tears:

r u using loop?

very buggy, had to remake most of the code but other than that its nice

Mind sharing?

