[Free] [Standalone] Vehicle Control Menu | Heavily Inspired

Yes, you have to download the non compiled NUI Code and just change things up there and then compile it again.

The new update is fire ! 10/10 !


am i being stupid im trying to open with radial menu just will not seem to open, tried to find the event

There is a built in client event called: vehmenu:toggle that has all of the logic needed.

Also make sure you have a compiled/release version.

got the latest i tried to use that from the radialmenu but it did not open i will try again

I’ll try to look into it since i didn’t test it with a radial menu, but you don’t need to pass any params, just trigger the event for the client.

Show me the code if you still need help.

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yes tried with this but it just does not open <3

Enable Debug mode and check F8 for any debug statements.

PS: I’m about to test it, just setting up a QB Testing ENV.

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no debug status

only when i open with command, not when trying to trigger with radial

Update to 1.0.4, it fixes that issue.

The event name has also been update to: vehiclecontrol:toggle

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It would be nice if you could close the menu with the same button you opened it with :point_right: :point_left:

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I’ll add that for 1.0.5, but most people are just used to the escape key

will test it today thankyou <3

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v1.0.5 just released, it’s a pretty small update but it adds that feature.


  • web/core: click opening key to close (vipex)

Bug Fixes

  • web/core: make keybind.key uppercase (vipex)


  • server/core: update currentVersion var (vipex)

The colors don’t fit my server theme and i’am trying to change them could you give me any help please, btw amazing script. The colors i want to change are the text colors and the nui background color.

You have to download the non compiled version to edit the source code, then compile it again, when it comes to styling it’s built using Tailwind CSS, if you need more help on that just send me a DM on discord: vipex.v

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Excellent work, works perfectly and meets everything necessary!

If you would be so kind, would you leave the option to change the language in some translation file?

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Yeah sure, i’ll add that in 1.0.6

Released v1.0.6


  • easy translation in the cfg (vipex)
  • passengers have control over their window/door if any (vipex)

Code Refactoring

  • tidy up comments (vipex)
  • cleanup code by removing unnecessary logic (vipex)


  • remove testing logic (vipex)


  • b7237ea: chore(server/core) update currentVersion var (vipex)