[FREE] [Standalone] V-Staff Chat

V-Staff Chat

Note: This is the outdated version, please go ahead and use the new one.

Hey, simply a Online Staff-Chat, at the moment i had no one else to preview the away messages with, but the Banner shows them, uses Ace-Perms.

If you have any sort of suggestion, please feel free to leave a comment down below and i will check it out, if you want to contribute to the project, go ahead and submit a pull request, or if there’s any type of bug/issue go ahead and leave a comment or go to the issue’s tab in GitHub.

Change Logs:


  • You can now go ahead and Drag the Chatbox wherever you would like, click the button at the top to enable/disable Drag Mode.


  • Added a new Settings Tab.
  • Notifications when someone sends a message.
  • Re-Designed some parts of the UI to make them look cleaner.
  • Fixed a bug with the images sending twice.


  • Re-Designed some parts of the Settings Tab/Menu.
  • Notification’s are now fully centered at the top.
  • Fixed the issue where user was able to send images without including a link.


Preview Link: YouTube [Note: This is V1.0, it’s a slightly outdated preview.]

Download Link: Github


wooow bro something that i waited a while

thank you bro making it

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This could be nice if you make it to work with group such as “mod, admin, superadmin”.


set your permission on server.cfg

I don’t want to set to every single member of my staff their permission, i want to use mod or admin group and their automaticly has permissions to the staff chat

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jus read shared.lua file bro and you dont want to set it every single person just set it to role

This is so cool :clap:.

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Nice release!

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Amazig project, love it :heart_eyes:!


  • Staff member gets a small notification when a member sends a chat (configurable)
  • You can drag the staff chat box where you want.

Check out the newest verison, you can now drag the box anywhere you want.

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Unless you mean ESX Groups it’s already possible, you can just go ahead and edit the Config.AcePerm, so for me it’s setup so each group that has access to vadmin.kick is allowed in the staff chat.

add_ace group.mod vadmin.kick allow

I agree, a notification of some sort would be super nice! Rather then not knowing if someone has sent something.

Not sure, i think it will get annoying, but i could just make a settings page to turn it off/on, would the little click sound be annoying once you get a notification, not sure if i should keep it or remove it.

theres a bug where first time only one image appears and the it duplicates every time i post another one

This is very good!

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Version 1.3 is out, check out the change logs!

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