[free][standalone] pc-speedlimits


pc-speedlimits adds a dynamic speed limit display to your FiveM server. It shows a speed limit sign when players exceed the speed limit for the street they’re driving on.


Github: GitHub - Valocai/pc-speedlimits


  • Dynamically displays a speed limit sign when players exceed the speed limit
  • Shows the current speed limit on the sign
  • Adjusts display based on the player’s current street



  1. Add pc-speedlimits to your servers resource folder.
  2. Add ensure pc-speedlimits to your server.cfg
  3. Restart your server
  4. Enjoy!

Hi, thanks for sharing this, you forgot the github link.
Looks clean!

I have added it now! Thanks mate. It’s my first scripts so quite happy with the result!


What’s the difference between your resource and GitHub - MadsLeander/speedlimit ?


First of all, I had no clue of this scripts existence. Cool script!

The only thing I can think of is that that one does have a few more features and mine only displays when you are going over the speed limit. (Great for people who like to tinker and could possibly add to the function themself in their server to say send an alert when a player is speeding and so on).

If you have any more questions let me know.

Combination of the two resources would be epic.