This FiveM notification script provides fully configurable notifications for each player, offering categories like banking, info, error, warning, and success alerts. The script allows each player to customize the notifications sound volume and position to enhance the in-game experience, ensuring players receive the right information in the right place.
Mute/unmute notification sounds.
Change volume of notification sounds.
Change notification position to one of our presets.
Modern and fluid.
Semitransparent to not intefere with the screen content.
For the ESX Legacy (latest) version, you should go to client - > functions.lua like 60 and change that function for this:
if GetResourceState("skys_notifications") ~= "missing" then
return exports["skys_notifications"]:NewNotification(message, notifyType, length)
print("[^1ERROR^7] ^5SkyStore Notify^7 is Missing!")
As I’m looking here, you should replace all the events of paycheck notifications (TriggerClientEvent(“esx:showAdvancedNotification”)) in server/paycheck.lua to normal notifications (xPlayer.showNotification(MSG, “bank”)) MSG should be the actual message, you can use the actual es_extended locales or put directly the msg you want