[FREE] [Standalone] mth-views / Adds a binoculars + editable news scaleform!

Description :spiral_notepad: :

:wave: Hey guys, while working on the RPEmotes resource with @anon70864786, he had the idea to implement a /binoculars and /newscam command, you can find it implemented here : GitHub - TayMcKenzieNZ/rpemotes: Community driven FiveM emote menu with human, animal and prop support. !

However we noticed many people were selling scripts with this feature, so we decided to make a standalone resource for it, and make it free for everyone to use !

Usage :hammer_and_wrench: :

To use the resource, download it, put the mth-views folder in your main resources folder.

Add start mth-views to your server.cfg

Then, once you’re in game, use the command /binoculars or /newscam.

Features :sparkles: :

  • STANDALONE : this means that you don’t need any dependencies to start this script on your server

  • Easy to use

  • FREE

  • Editable text on the news scaleform

Demo :eyes: :


Link to the resource : mathu-lmn/mth-views (github.com)

Feel free to open an Issue or make a PR to help me improve this resource ! :smile:


Heat vision and night vision :smirk:


Can I disable both in a config?

Hmm didn’t think about it but if I get the time sometimes I’ll do it yeah !


I like it ! Awsome job !

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Thanks a lot :smile:

Thanks, we just think the thermal vision like xray for buildings and our players don’t like it, but I like it Awsome job and now i look in the fututre


nice job bro


Updated to V1.0.1 : GitHub - Mathu-lmn/mth-views: A binoculars and newscam resource

  • Add config to enable / disable toggling the vision modes in the binoculars (@Karle1)
  • Add a keybind to toggle instructional buttons

Here’s an example of where the heat vision would come in handy. You could be a cop outside of a bank of which you have been called out to due to a robbery in progress. How many suspects are there? Are there any hostages? How many on each floor??

(You won’t know who is a suspect, hostage or one of your own police force members, but you can at least get some advantage.)

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it would be hot with ox lib

Hello, this resource is standalone (no need for dependencies) however I’m curious on what you think ox_lib could add to this release ?

can’t have been that important, he didn’t reply lmao