Hello snails :snail:, it’s a new day and it’s a new release :wink:

Mosh Hud is the look your server needs. It’s a basic simple hud which i made for my lobbies system.

  • Server Logo
  • Player Name
  • Player ID
  • Online Players Count
  • Player FPS
  • Player PING
  • Discord Link
  • Website Link

Direct Download (6.9 KB)

GitHub Download



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Giving me Rockstar Mischief vibes. Like it!

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Yes sir, it’s based on it.

how to remove Website bar

This hud is still one of the cleanest and best hud i have seen so far!

the only issue is that if player ping or FPS goes up and down (so like from 65 to 100) it will move the whole UI with it aswell and shift everything on the right side of it as well

is there any fix for this issue ?