[FREE][STANDALONE] fzt_fov and myopia

Hello everyone :smile:, this is the first time I’m sharing something with the community, and I wanted it to be this. Let me quickly explain:

  1. FovDriver is a script that controls and creates a first-person camera when you sit in the driver’s seat, allowing for a wider field of view (FOV) while in first-person mode.

  2. For better roleplay immersion, there’s a system where characters behind your player gradually become more transparent as they move further away. This feature hasn’t been thoroughly tested with multiple players yet, so it may have some issues.

  3. The myopia (nearsightedness) system is quite simple and something I’ve never seen implemented on a server before. It hasn’t been adapted for any multicharacter frameworks, so you’ll need to do that yourself, but the code is there and fully functional.

I hope you enjoy it and can build upon this base to create even better features. Also, just to clarify, selling this code is strictly prohibited. It’s completely open source, and I encourage everyone to contribute back to the community—too many people sell scripts, and too few help out. Let’s change that! :yum:


  • FovDriver :blue_car:: Enhances first-person driving by adjusting the FOV when seated in the driver’s position. Inspired on ONX

  • Immersive Transparency System: Characters behind your player gradually fade as they move farther away, improving roleplay immersion.

  • Myopia System :nerd_face:: A unique and simple implementation of nearsightedness, which hasn’t been adapted for multicharacter systems but is fully functional and ready for customization.

Github Download

Thank you for your support, and I hope this script inspires you to create even more amazing content for the community! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I liked the idea!

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Da miopia aleatoriamente o a todos?

ESP : Es como tu quieras, por el momento esta configurado con /setmiopia, pero si quieres que cada jugador elija tener o no tener debes agregar algún botón que te lo registre como true (1) o falso (0) en base de datos.

EN : It is as you want, at the moment it is configured with /setmiopia, but if you want each player to choose to have or not to have you must add a button that registers it as true (1) or false (0) in the database.