[FREE} [Standalone] FRPCarNeeds v1

This is basically my first script release.
Its a 4 in 1 standalone client sided resource.

What does it do you ask? Great question Bob!

  1. Turns off Vanilla GTA car radio.
  2. Has a speedlimiter. (default set to 200mph but can adjust in config)
  3. Disables player and vehicle idle cams. (afk cameras)
  4. Provides working brake lights when your vehicle is stopped.

Drag and drop.
add Start FRPCar_needs_V1 to your server config

Github link Here
Direct Download
FRPCar_needs_V1.rar (1.5 KB)

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No |
| Lines (approximately) | 70 |
| Requirements | none |
| Support | No |


Dope free release, been looking for something like this for the radio.

Some showcase please?
Btw can u make like no roll transport ?
for example if transport is upside down, then u can’t roll back on wheels using left and right arrows but server sided?

google is your friend. in 6 seconds I found this. disbale vehicle rolling

You can likely add it to the client script on this release.
looks like a few lines of code. let me know if it works out for ya.

and sorry no showcase as its just some naratives being called out. Its does exactly what it says.
beside im not sure how to showcase no radio or showcase no afk cam lol
The image above should be a showcase enough.

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Thanks bud.