
This freecam script is a simple script that allows the user to enter a full freecam mode, the freecams movements are controlled by the mouse/controller movement and the W, A, S, D keys by default. The camera has a few developer tools built-in including teleport to raycast / camera coord and coordinate viewer.


Simply drag the st_freecam folder into your RedM resources folder and ensure it in you server.cfg


At the time of writing RedM does not yet have support for the CFX Keymapping as seen in FiveM. So the 2 options (You can add more if required) to access the freecam are a Page UP (default) keypress or command /freecam




Pull requests are welcome. Please ensure proper testing and standards before opening a pull request! Feel free to suggest new scripts and changes!


I hope to make a version without teleportation and development tools, and add a permission group, I just want to use it to take screenshots and see the scenery, sorry for my bad English

Sorry about the slow reply! Yes that option is available, simply change the variable enable_developer_tools to false at the top of the client_main.lua file :slight_smile:

Just updated this for you to also include a blank mode in with the “developer” mode, just removes all the text and makes it more like a camera mode.

Also applied proper usage of the camera focus, so it renders properly as you are flying around and doesn’t matter where your player/ped focus is.

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If its possible im looking for something like this with a player radius implemented so if the cam goes to far it defaults back to standard cam, i think this would be good for photos and roleplay scenes