[FREE] [Standalone] APS_AREAOFPLAY | AOP System

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  • Compatible with Standalone and all Frameworks
  • Prepared translation of script in English, German languages. The ability to make your own translations using the config.translation.lua
  • Support Ace Permission
  • Exports Server and Client side to call data(id, name, aditional). Can be used for spawnselector to block spawn for example.
  • Save Data of AOP in a JSON file
  • Syced with all players

If you have some questions, feel free to join my Discord.

For insights into modification and customization options, please visit highly detailed configuration files, click here to check it

Full view for configs on our script documentation:


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) Lua +260
Requirements ox_lib
Support Yes
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Sooo, what exactly makes this “The most advanced AOP system”? The only real feature of this is making use of an ox_lib menu which is kinda nice but nothing really advanced. Others out there include additional features such has peacetime, nearest postals, HUD, etc… so trying to understand if there is more to this than just a very basic AOP with a menu? Don’t get me wrong, it looks like it functions well and looks clean for what it is, but I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around “The most advanced AOP system”.

@TTVResqDiver1317 Hey, I can understand that it might be confusing. The AOP gets an ID in the config, which means that you can simply check which AOP is active in another script and then block some spawns in a spawn selector, for example.
Why should an “AOP” system contain other functions such as a HUD and postals? Then I would present it as a hud and not just as an AOP system.

Thanks for the reply. Fair point about having the other unrelated features. I wasn’t trying to imply this needed those, was just trying to understand the Advanced part comparitively but I can better understand it now knowing about the ability tto check it from other scripts. Does it have an export or event available for other scripts to do that? You should update your description to explain it has this feature (and any other specific features it includes to set it apart) as that is definitely a nice feature to have!

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@TTVResqDiver1317 Thanks for your feedback and I will adjust the description. It works with exports and within the script with my custom callback method so that the script has almost no events and works with the best possible performance.

how do i change the positsion of the aop the hud/text in top right

@Halsten9pr Hey, If you want, I can make an update later that you can use preconfigured positions in the config. At the moment this is only possible in the .css

yes id like it so i can change the positsion of the status to my liking!

Hey Sorry, I have a lot to do rn, I forgot completely about the update. I add it to the toDo and maybe I can push the update this or next weak.