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- Overlay GTA6-like Bodycam: Provides an immersive bodycam overlay with sounds.
- Watch Other Players’ Bodycam: Monitor the bodycam footage of other players in real-time.
- Decoy Ped Creation: Automatically creates a decoy pedestrian when watching other players.
- Multiple Job Support: Supports various job roles, allowing customization per job.
- Custom Prop Included: The script includes a custom bodycam prop for enhanced realism.
- Dedicated Cam Positions: Optimized camera positions for walking and car driving.
- Vehicle Dashcam Support: You can now use a dashcam item to activate car cameras, which can be viewed anytime, no matter where the vehicle is in real-time.
- Cam Offset System for Vehicles: You can now adjust individual vehicle cameras if their positioning is bad with the built-in offset finder.
- Highly Requested Record Feature: Added a realistic record cam feature that can be used with /recordcam. This sends the video to a Discord channel with a detailed player log.