[FREE] SnowPlow Job V2

SnowPlowJob V2

Hello Friends, today im Releasing an existing Script but edited and optimized as a V2. It has many Features and its very custamizable. For ESX and QB available

You need to drive around to earn Money in a Intervall (Time based). You can setup a min. and max. Speed so the People need to drive slow to earn their Money, otherwise they will earn nothing.


Features :snowflake:

  • Add as many Stations as you want
  • Configure a min. and max Reward each Intervall / Bonus
  • Take Bail if needed
  • Setup a Webhook
  • Custom Snowprop (optional)
  • Easy Notify Intergration
  • configure min. and max. Speed for Driving
  • supported oxtarget, qbtarget and 3DText
  • For ESX and QBcore

Download: Github

Vehicle in Video

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~800
Requirements ESX & QB
Support Yes

nice work bro <3


@TheWitcherRp Thanks :snowflake: :+1:


looks great!


@Blue_Style_DEV Thank you :smile:

Can you help me how to make it spawn and get vehicle keys

Hey @AdvancedTeam you can join my dc and open a ticket so we can solve this issue much better :slight_smile:

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where do i add vehicles keys for QB?

Hey, you need to paste your export to the client.lua