[FREE] Skydive

Very simple skydiving script I made because I was bored. Its standalone (works with any framework), for target it uses OX/QB/BT target changeable from the config.



Download from Tebex

Download from Github


thats sick bro

and what about that green person on your right


nice script can you please make option before you do the skydive you need to purchase parachute

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link to github fix

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nothing is wrong ?


Its a skeletal system, shows where your character is injured.

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getting this


are you planning to share it ?


my bad should be good now

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forgot to make it public

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Its not made by me so I can share it, it was made by and old developer of nonstoprp (jamesroll) he gave me permission to use it but I can’t share it.

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ah ok do you know where to find it ?

that’s his github Jameslroll · GitHub but I believe he deleted his discord and made everything private.

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so sad

server > main.lua should be empty?

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Yes is all client side, other things are just left for future updates or if anyone is going to do changes on his own.

Plane is still spawned as server entity and is synced.

Man I love your scripts fr !! I wish they can support target and non target !!

GitHub - Randolio/randol_skydiving: A skydiving script made for QBCore. same script

this thing has 300 lines more than mine is qbcore only and its not even close to mine, did you even check the code before posting this ?

You used the same code modified some stuff removed all of qbcore and then released it thinking people wouldnt notice :rofl: