What is this?
Its simple. Very simple… Good for milsim servers I guess. Just allows the player conning the ship to blare a loud, intimidating alarm for players to listen to.
This was inspired from Captain Philips because its a badass movie and why not. Watch scene
This script has one dependency, which is [RELEASE] [C#] PlayCustomSounds - Players, Coordinates and Reduce Volume based on distance!. Very simple install, just drag and drop and start.
This script is about the same, drag and stop and start, however you’re gonna need to add two additional files to the PlayCustomSounds resource. Don’t forget to configure the ships the alarm is usable on.
Script: ship_alarm.zip (1.4 KB)
Sounds: sounds.zip (31.4 KB)
To Install Sounds:
Go to the resource PlayCustomSounds > html > sounds
, drag and drop both .ogg
sound files (ShipIntro
, ShipOutro
Other Notes
The script includes a cfg file that allows you to add and set custom environments for each vessle, including support for custom alarms.
To activate the alarm,press and hold ALT