[Free] [Simple] Destroyer Ship Alarm

What is this?

Its simple. Very simple… Good for milsim servers I guess. Just allows the player conning the ship to blare a loud, intimidating alarm for players to listen to.

This was inspired from Captain Philips because its a badass movie and why not. Watch scene



This script has one dependency, which is [RELEASE] [C#] PlayCustomSounds - Players, Coordinates and Reduce Volume based on distance!. Very simple install, just drag and drop and start.

This script is about the same, drag and stop and start, however you’re gonna need to add two additional files to the PlayCustomSounds resource. Don’t forget to configure the ships the alarm is usable on.

Script: ship_alarm.zip (1.4 KB)
Sounds: sounds.zip (31.4 KB)

To Install Sounds:

Go to the resource PlayCustomSounds > html > sounds, drag and drop both .ogg sound files (ShipIntro, ShipOutro).

Other Notes

The script includes a cfg file that allows you to add and set custom environments for each vessle, including support for custom alarms.

To activate the alarm,press and hold ALT


bro thank you very much i expect more about milisim scirpts

I really love this! Really nice release. One question, are you able to explain to me how to make it loop like it is in the video as for me it only does it once and there is about a 5 second delay before being able to press it and it coming on again. Thank you for the release!

Are you holding ALT or pressing it?

I press it. When I hold it nothing happens for some reason :confused:

Hey SanLaw how do you get the boats to be able to be seen by other players?
On my server boats sink to the bottom of the ocean for everyone but the one driving it, I have tried with and without onesync and both versions of onesync.

to be seen by other is to do with the vehicles.meta has this issue with my server both boats and aircrafts

Do you know what you have to do to fix it? Because it happens for literally every non-base game boat I have tried.

Yes it’s the LOD in vehicles.meta dm me and I’ll send you what I mean.