[Free] Shell Previewer

BBV X WORLD | Shell Preview

Shell Preview is a simple standalone script that allows players to preview shells, it can be used by Real Estate agents or server developers. You can add the shells that you want to be reviewable in the config using their model names.

Video Preview : - Video Link

Config Preview :

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dont use -1 ont the command, you TP all player on server. you need to use source

TriggerClientEvent(‘bbv-shellpreview:client’,-1, tonumber(args[1]))

Didn’t notice its was -1, I will update it.

Nice Job. :slight_smile:

Perfect would be this interaction from a Location. It opened the List with your in
Shells from Config.

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Script will be updated with lot more features in the near future

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By any chance, would you be able to make an option to get the offset values at a given point within the shell?

Hey, could you possibly add the option that the menu can only be opened at a certain location instead of with command? I would like to be able to open the menu only from my dynasty8 agency instead of command. Otherwise very cool release for realestate agents rp