[FREE] Separated Casino Terrace Props

Hullo, I’ve seen multiple people express a desire to use the casino terrace props as single entities, but all of them come as sets. So I’ve gone through and isolated them into separate props.


  • 4 couches, 2 tables, 1 sunbed, 1 wooden cover for sunbed, 1 bench w/ tree planter, 1 lamp, 1 ‘cocktail menu’ prop
  • There’s 1 light on the diamond lamp (if you want to edit in CW light editor)
  • There’s 2 lights on the planter bench (if you want to edit in CW light editor)
  • All of the couches + sunbed were already setup for a tint palette so I went ahead and added more colors. Use 0 - 3 in the TintValue box in codewalker to switch between colors. (0 is yellow, 1 is pink, 2 is blue, and 3 is green)
  • If you’re just using them to allow players to decorate in-game, the tints may be unavailable to you (I don’t know the native for it, at least). So all couches/sunbed cushions will be yellow. The resource is otherwise drag-n-drop.

quixotic_casino_props.zip (5.7 MB)


Didnt think i’d need that until now :smiley:
thank you for your work and for sharing it with us !



that is sooo nice… super share. thx…

soi nice

I…love you. I’m making a casino terrace mlo and these are great to remodel the entire terrace with.

Future free mlo?

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Thank you !!!
can i include the props in my future mods or give the link to this topic as requirement ?


Yes of course! That’s mainly what these are for. You don’t have to link back here or anything, since they’re R* assets anyway haha

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looks great!

thats sick keep you good work