[FREE] Sandy Shores border

Hello! This is the first ymap I made and also my first post here on the cfx community, so I accept all kinds of bad/good advice. Thanks to whoever downloads it and have fun with it.

In the pictures, you can see a border and a smaller border next to it, which is currently under construction.

How to download: Create a folder and name it ‘sandyborder’, then create another folder inside it and name it ‘stream’, put ‘manifest.ymf’ and ‘sandyborder.ymap’, then ‘__resource.lua’ just put the file in the sandyborder folder.
Like this

Then write start sandyborder in the server.cfg.

sandyborder.ymap (6.7 KB)
_manifest.ymf (816 Bytes)
__resource.lua (87 Bytes)


Man, sorry, but i have to say that __resource.lua is ultra deprecated and old, it’s so simple to update do fxmanifest.lua, here’s your __resource.lua fixed

fxmanifest.lua (58 Bytes)

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Always name “fxmanifest.lua” and add version like this example below :slightly_smiling_face:

fx_version ‘cerulean’
games { ‘gta5’ }

author ‘your name’ * optional *
description ‘desc’ * optional *
version ‘1.0’ * optional *

Anyways, great map!

Thank you man

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Nice idea. Well done :slight_smile:


Thank you very much, enjoy it :slight_smile:

how does ai react?

How do you update a resource.lua to fxmanifest.lua?

First, you just rename the file from __resource.lua to fxmanifest.lua
After that, if u do not have, download a text editor ( I use notepad++)

And when opening any __resource.lua you should see this:

Example below:

“resource_manifest_version ‘77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5’”

Just delete this line and replace with:

fx_version ‘cerulean’
games { ‘gta5’ }

and if you’re author of some release, you can add some optionals:

These fx_version names can vary, but this example is valid

fx_version ‘cerulean’
games { ‘gta5’ }

author ‘your name’ (optional)
description ‘desc’ (optional)
version ‘1.0’ (optional)

Thank you very much. I will give that a go.

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you’re welcome!