[FREE] [SANDAONE] Speed limiter

This is a speed limiter script that limits every single car speed to defined one. The speed definition is made in the NUI file an it can be in MPH or KPH. You can set speed based on the street names . The script includes a speed sign shown over the map. If there is any problem with the position feel free to message me. The script is well optimized.

RESOURCE PREVIEW: https://youtu.be/PKlXRhbGoq8
RESOURCE DOWNLOAD: GitHub - Ivailo1251/-FREE-SANDAONE-Speed-limiter: This is version 2.0

Improved version 2.0 of the script is now out at https://ivailodev.tebex.io/package/6032088

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 80
Requirements ESX or QBCore server
Support Discord: Ivailo1251#3775
Version 1.5

You can visit my Tebex here : https://ivailodev.tebex.io/


I have an idea of making speed limits for every road I can find to only allow vehicles to go 15mph over the speed limit. With that being said I also want an item that mechanics can install on any vehicle that will turn off the speed limiter city wide for that vehicle to give criminals and speeders a chance to speed. Would there be a way to use and edit this script to do that?


The UI is not gonna look the same on everyone’s screen. You could probably use relative units such as vh or media queries for that. The code is also terrible. You can create a table with all the places and their limits so that you can reference that instead of creating infinite if elseif. You can also create a local var for the ped and use PlayerPedId() instead of GetPlayerPed().

For better reference, check GitHub - TheRealRSG/FWSspeedlimit: SpeedlimitUI FiveM

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Nice, But Isn’t Optimized :fire:

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Working on it :grinning:

Hi, yea the ui will be a little differend but i am working to get that down

The script will be optimized for the nex version(2.0)


Nice :call_me_hand:t2:


Script Error @speedlimit/nui.lua:27: attempt to perform arithmetic on a nill valve (global ‘limit’)


This probably happened because the street you were one is not defined in the NIU file.

Hi, I was just wondering if it is possible to increase the speed limit image above my minimap and also move it up say a cm as all notifications are currently going over it? It is a little small for our community. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

Hi yeah it is possible to do that

Improved version 2.0 of the script is now out at https://ivailodev.tebex.io/package/6032088