[FREE][RSG] boss-givemoney (target to another player to give money)


A RedM script that allows players to give money to another player using a target interaction system and a user-friendly input dialog.

:sparkles: Features

  • Target another player and open a menu to give money.
  • Uses `ox_lib` for a smooth and responsive input dialog.

:package: Dependencies

Ensure you have the following resources installed and running:

  • `rsg-core`
  • `rsg-target`
  • `ox_lib`

:inbox_tray: Installation

  1. Download or clone this repository into your `resources` folder.
  2. Add `ensure boss-givemoney` to your `server.cfg`.
  3. Ensure that all dependencies are correctly installed.

:gear: Usage

  1. Target another player using `rsg-target`.
  2. A menu will appear, allowing you to enter the amount of money to give.
  3. Confirm the transaction, and the selected player will receive the cash.



:arrow_down_small: Download

You can download .zip from my main branch, enjoy :smiley:

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 100++
Requirements RSG
Support Yes
(For releases without code the not applicable fields can be written as N/A)


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