[Free] RPEmotes

can you tell me whats wrong here ???

you need to use 'smoke' wrapped in apostrophes (') or double quotes (") so it can be interpreted as a string.
On your screenshot you are passing the variable smoke, which most likely isn’t defined so you are sending nil to EmoteCommandStart

Yeah, you haven’t done (“smoke”) like I wrote it.

oh i am a idiot :smiley:

Where can I download it?

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I’m having an issue where when I open the menu, I only see the bottom part of it and not the actual menu where I can select emotes. Anyone know a fix for this?

Your aspect ratio is… Questionable @Patrick_Craino_Quinc and unfortunately you’ll find it’s not just RPEmotes, a lot of games and menus will not show correctly on unsupported aspect ratios. Not even GTA 5 itself supports that

Just to confirm, does this need any changes if using a script that calls emotes from DPEmotes? or should it automatically pick up the emote requests in RPEmotes as it is a fork of it?

You would use RPEmotes’ exports in replacement of DpEmotes.

EmoteCommandStart(emoteName, textureVariation)

Q. How would I use the export EmoteCommandStart for another script and/or resource?

A. For example sake, we'll go with "zombiecrawl". zombiecrawl needs to be a string like so: "zombiecrawl", therefore this should work:


Some scripts may have a line of code with ‘TriggerEvent’. This will need to be replaced with the RPEmotes export. @MixedUp

RPEmotes Version 1.1.8 Is NOW AVAILABLE!!

Regarding crashes, bugs and weird behaviour:

We have been made aware of them, however can not reproduce such on a standalone cfx server. Update your gamebuild, server artifacts and use Onesynce Infinity. Always shut down server and delete server cache before updating / installing RPEmotes. If you are using qb-core, make sure it is set in RPEmotes’ config.lua file and change all qb-core TriggerEvent related code for dpemotes/rpemotes, to use RPEmotes’ own exports.

For example sake; exports["rpemotes"]:EmoteCommandStart("smokeweed")

Why can I drive only by raising my hands, but by taking them down I can’t? Please help!

Did you set your hands up keybind to be the same as the accelerate keybind?

I genuinely don’t understand why qbcore users have soooooo many goddamn issues, but change your keybinds in either qbcore itself or RPEmotes o.O

Having an issue after this update with keybind for opening the menu. I set my config the same as I had in previous version setup wise. Which is we use F3 by default. But now after the update everyone is getting:

    MenuKeybindEnabled = true,
    MenuKeybind = 'f3', -- Get the button string here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/
    -- You can disable the Favorite emote keybinding here.

I check the keybinds in the FiveM settings and its still set to F3 for me as well. Hmm

Are there any errors when you restart the script? (Look before the DLC_ITYP_REQUEST’s)

If a fresh install of RPEmotes works without adding your own content to it, then there is an issue with your files.

The only thing you need to be backing up and inserting into RPEmotes is the following:


Custom props - insert the folders into stream

Custom animations - insert the folders into stream

fxmanifest.lua - insert your DLC_ITYP_REQUEST’s into this

Change config to your liking

Don’t change anything else, don’t put any other file in RPEmotes.

Learn to back things up regularly and don’t rely on simple and lazy copy paste, drag & drop.

Please update RPEmotes. Ultra Wide support added.

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I had this but I fixed with changing line 18 for EmoteMenu.lua which was errored because I have another two scripts on the server that were conflicting with this one as they both use the same type of menu image code and I suppose it must be unique.

So I had to custom name the ‘MenuImage’ to ‘EmoteMenuImage’ and ‘Custom_Menu_Head’ to ‘Custom_EmoteMenu_Head’ in EmoteMenu.lua as well as ‘MenuImage =’ to ‘EmoteMenuImage =’ in config and now it works for me

[    213766] [b2802_GTAProce]             MainThrd/ __Lua_InvokeNative: execution failed: Error executing native 0x00000000b135472b at address extra-natives-five.dll+782C6.
[    213766] [b2802_GTAProce]             MainThrd/ Error loading script client/EmoteMenu.lua in resource rpemotes: Execution of native 00000000b135472b in script host failed: Error executing native 0x00000000b135472b at address extra-natives-five.dll+782C6.
[    213766] [b2802_GTAProce]             MainThrd/ stack traceback:
[    213766] [b2802_GTAProce]             MainThrd/ 	[C]: in global '_in2'
[    213766] [b2802_GTAProce]             MainThrd/ 	CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle.lua:8: in function 'CreateRuntimeTextureFromDuiHandle'
[    213766] [b2802_GTAProce]             MainThrd/ 	@rpemotes/client/EmoteMenu.lua:18: in main chunk
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Interesting, but thanks for letting us know. It might be a good idea for us to change it on our end also :thinking:

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