[Free] RPEmotes

Interesting, but thanks for letting us know. It might be a good idea for us to change it on our end also :thinking:

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Minor Update - Hands Up Keybind

I have just now pushed an update to RPEmotes which changes the default config.lua keybind for ‘hands up’ to Y from the previous H, this is due to the fact that while in or on a vehicle, pressing H would cycle through the various headlight options.

By default, RPEmotes’ hands up keybind is disabled as to not conflict with qb-core

-- You can disable the handsup here / change the keybind. It is currently set to Y
    HandsupKeybindEnabled = false,
    HandsupKeybind = 'Y', -- Get the button string here https://docs.fivem.net/docs/game-references/input-mapper-parameter-ids/keyboard/

If you download RPEmotes or update from today or any time in the future, be aware that H is now Y for Hands Up.


I know this may shock or piss off a lot of people, and unfortunately living on this earth for 32 years, I have painstakingly learnt that you simply cannot and should not, please everyone. It is not possible nor plausible.

As mentioned in my guild, RPEmotes’ public repository will not contain any content that is not lore-friendly. I do not care if other menus do this, RPEmotes, will not.

Any pull request that includes any non lore-friendly content will be denied and / or reverted.

This includes content such as:

  • Samsung, Apple, McDonalds, Burger King, Subway, Gucci, etc

  • Real life gang signs such as LA, NY, Australia, NZ, etc etc

  • Controversial content such as war flags, anything involved in politics, or hating on a particular group or organization

It is up the the server owner / devs to add this to their own servers

Additionally, I will not be adding anything that is considered “ERP”.

I have tutorials on my YouTube channel that showcase adding your own animations and props, and it should not be the sole responsibility of one person, myself, to add or remove things that a small group of people want, or do not want, then asking my team to add a million config options to toggle the content visible or invisible from the meu.

You can check my RPEmotes related playlist here:


Hello , i kinda issue with ’ Press G to spray , Press G to use flash ’

nothing happens when i press (G) in the animations like make it rain or Phone , cam flash , etc

is there any reason or possible fix for it ? Thanks <3

See installation instructions

Reset mood option doesn’t work nothing changes after clicking it.

solved after disabling “PersistentExpression”

Is there a way to change the background?

once i add my own custom gif this is what pops up, any way to fix this?

Only use imgur or Giphy

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im using giphy, it just pops up that to accept the cookies, any work around?

and i cant get my cursor on the menu to click accept

You doing something wrong then. I guess you could post the gif on discord and copy the link that way, idk. All the URLs I have, work.

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ill try the discord thing, idk i made the giphy, made it the right size, copied the photo link and pasted it but that pops up, ill try the discord way

the discord way worked, thanks man!

Maybe you copied the wrong URL :thinking:

They should look like so:

Example 1:


Example 2:


I slightly modify them by adding i at the front so it’s not such a long ass URL lol

You need to use a 512 x 128 image. I have a bunch more over on my dizcord you can check out

Hi, first of all thanks for this complete menu and sorry for my English.
I got this SCRIPT ERROR: @rpemotes/client/Emote.lua:190: attempt to call a nil value (global ‘CancelSharedEmote’)
It won’t let me cancel the animations and when I crouch I get the stealth option. Any recommendations for the script settings?
Thank you again for an incredible job.

is there anyway you could Possibly add Some Emotes Like these

Some of those are already added, but not all. You can add them yourself by adding animation files to the stream folder, and code to the AnimationListCusyom.lua. I don’t necessarily add every single one as some of them don’t interest me.

If you modified something; don’t.

Hello, is it normal that he always holds his arm like this?

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