[Free] RPEmotes

You can’t put the number, you have to write ‘F2’ if you want the key to be F2.
And this is how the RegisterKeyMapping works, see

Update 2.1.5 - Update

July 19 2022

Hello :slightly_smiling_face:

This update adds a request feature which is to remove Adult emotes from the menu. This can be done by setting AdultEmotesDisabled to true in the config.
This will totally remove the emotes from the lists at startup making them unusable.
The emotes that are deleted are the ones marked as Adult animations in the animation list with AdultAnimation. You can see how it is done with fspose.

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@AthenaRedRose see the last update :slight_smile:

Minor update

Not necessarily worthy of a version number, however you should update

  • Added more adult / vulgar emotes to the Adult Emotes concealment :underage:

Players can still do /nearby emotename, however will be greeted with a ‘is not a valid emote.’ message in chat. Boink! Go to horny jail you ditty ditty boi :see_no_evil:

Unrelated to the menu:

I have a slight issue with the my walking styles, for some reason it doesn’t save my walking style after getting into a car and then getting back out it just resets the walking style, I do use OneSync but I am just wondering if there is a fix for this.

Odd :thinking: Pretty sure that got fixed long ago

Here is an example video of what its like

The particle syncing of the anims menu from bombay is trully working, the only “con” it have is the particles are all the time runing with the anim, you can’t triger it like you do with dpemotes/tayemotes.
About the native he mentions, maybe the entity param need to be an networkid or/and the native trigered from the server side

I just tried what you did in the video, and it’s working fine on my end. You might have a call to ResetPedMovementClipset ResetPedMovementClipset - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs somewhere in one of your scripts. Or it could also be related to the streamed vehicle you’re using, could you try with a game default vehicle?

It doesn’t work with the normal Gta V vehicles, any recommendation where I should start trying to troubleshoot?

Edit: I found the issue in a matter of minutes it was a crouch script that we had here is the link in case others also have the same issue I am having.

Happy that you found the cause of the issue :slight_smile:

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Yea that was my bad for not reading but I was going through scripts and saw lmao. Really hope it gets updated!

Ah right yes, I remember someone telling me about some crouching script conflicting; unfortunately I don’t believe there is or will be any ‘fix’ as the crouching scripts are manipulating the walkstyle as well as DpEmotes, otherwise, without any crouching scripts, the walkstyles should be fine.

It may be possible for the crouch scripts to be updated where a “if player in vehicle, reset” but, I honestly have no idea.

Maybe it could be added to the emote menu as a emote

Actually it is possible by wrapping native functions in order to get the payloads on native calls from other resources. It would only require including a .lua file on dpemotes f.e. I’m currently working on other projects but i’m seeing to doing just that in the future.

For those having issues, please read the GitHub ReadMe and the forum tutorial I have provided.

I am currently not able to answer all of your cries for support as I am moving house.

Look at how shared and prop emotes are done, copy an existing one, and change it to suit your needs.

Good luck :stuck_out_tongue:

This is really good man.

please add some car parts, rims and shopping cart props. Thank you

Good luck with the move!