[FREE] | Roda WeaponShop | ESX

Roda Weapon Shop


➩ Optimized Weapon Shop.
➩ Each point have license check (optional).
➩ Nice and Responsive UI.
➩ Weapons for Categories.
➩ Infinity Coords and Categories.
➩ Each coord have different Categories and Weapons
➩ Test in ESX Legacy, Will be work good in 1.2
➩ Money and Bank Support.

Config Example

Links 📃

Download: Click Here For Download PLEASE
Preview: Click Here

Thanks to my love Daniela for be always my support :heartpulse:


Nice bb!!!


Excelent! the best recreable!


Very nice

Super job bro! I loved

Script looks good. Is it possible to buy attachments and ammo?

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U can probably add a category for it

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Nice joob ctmr

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best :heart:


does this support weapons as items? @NearTV

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No, but u can simple edit in server.lua

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Hey bei mir Bugt es bei mir werden keine waffen angezeigt woran könnte das liegen?

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one problem. i am able to open up the shop but when i buy a gun, i cannot see it in my weapon wheel, but its in my loadout in the database. (i also dont have any weapon items) anyone got a suggestion

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one problem. i am able to open up the shop but when i buy a gun, i cannot see it in my weapon wheel, but its in my loadout in the database. (i also dont have any weapon items) anyone got a suggestion

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Hello, I have a question about what could be the problem with the Pistol Mk II because Shop undefined is then named

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Because u don’t declare the label in your extended

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ok how do i do that

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how does the player get a weapon license?


hello, how i can play with epic games?

Why doesn’t it show up to buy?