[FREE] Report System | UI's, Live Chat & more! Everything you need!

Report System | FREE

A great gamechanger for reports in your server, completely free! We think that free quality resources are necessary on the market as not everyone can afford to buy alot of scripts.

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:newspaper: Features

  • Send Reports
    • You can send reports through an unique interface together with a subject & category of the report.
  • View Reports
    • View your own reports that you have sent through the interface & keep up to date with your report.
  • Live Chat
    • In every report you send, there is a live chat where you can directly communicate with staff members of the server.
  • Report Status
    • Every report starts at not being claimed, a staff member can claim your ticket so that other staff members can move on to other reports. As the sender, you and the staff can close your ticket when help is not necessary anymore.
  • Staff Overview
    • As staff member, you can see all the reports in an unique interface where you can handle them.
  • Filtering
    • In the staff overview, you can filter tickets on their status and on their category.
  • Report Actions
    • As staff member, you can execute various actions within each report, such as healing the reporter, or teleporting to/bringing the player.
  • Light/Dark Modus
    • The interfaces can be toggled between light & dark mode.

And as always here at RX Scripts:

  • Highly Configurable:
    • Almost all options can be configured and disabled. Refer to our documentation to see the full configuration.
  • Discord Logs:
    • Integrated Discord webhook logs.
  • Fully Optimized:
    • Ensure smooth and efficient performance through our commitment to coding excellence.
  • Exports & Events:
    • Build further upon the script with the exports and events we provide.
  • Partially Open-Sourced:
    • A significant portion of our code is open-sourced, allowing for flexibility and customization of frameworks, inventories, and such.
  • Fully Translatable:
    • Supports complete translation for wider accessibility.
  • Fully Synced:
    • The script is fully synchronized across all players, ensuring simultaneous actions and status updates.

Code is accessible Partially
Subscription-based No
Lines of code ~1500
Requirements ESX/QB, ox_lib, fmLib (our library)
Support Yes

:star2: Take a look at our other products!

Advanced Hunting - Script
Advanced Fishing - Script
Advanced Drug Labs - Script
Advanced Player Stores - Script
Advanced Plantation - Script
Housing - Script
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Black Markets - Script
Recyclers - Script
Crates & Storages - Script
Death System - Script
Hazard Zones - Script
Smelters - Script
Coke Lab - Shell
Meth Lab - Shell
Weed Lab - Shell


I ended up picking this script up the other day when it was announced in Discord and showed it to my staff team and they love how simple it is to use and they look forward to using it as reports start coming in. Keep up the great work guys!


That’s no longer applicable Releases Rules and FAQ
It’ll link you directly to the section on it.

Free resources escrowed are allowed it says in here right? They can just get it free on our store.


I am not following it anymore :smiley: But as far as I’ve read it, it looks allowed. But also, your first comment was that it’s ‘‘now’’ allowed, instead of ‘‘not’’, so im not sure what’s going on anymore x)

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Free resources are allow to be posted on Tebex.


It is allowed and you should thank him for this free awesome release! :star_struck:


all framework related code is unlocked right? so i can move this onto another not (out of the box) supported framework? nice release :smiley:

Yes :slight_smile: All framework code is handled by fmLib

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Thanks for free release !
Would be cool to see something like a point system for admins , for example players can rate their help from 0 to 5 , 0 will give 0 points to admin and 5 - 5)

Nice suggestion! Could you put this in the suggestions channel of our dc?

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Sure, thank you )

ok just did it )