[FREE RELEASE] tota_perm-id Permanent ID System

Hello, did you manage to fix your error? I have the exact same problem.


Cool Idea, a permanent ID System would be great. I used to play on a server where every time a new person joined the server they’d get the next number of ID. Starting from 1 going to 15000 or whatever, very unique and handy system if it would work.

hello good how could I make it compatible with esx_legacy this system is very good

i have a problem with permid , here my errors :

[ script:tota_permid] SCRIPT ERROR: @tota_permid/server.lua:49: attempt to index a nil value (field ‘?’) [ script:tota_permid] > ref (@tota_permid/server.lua:49) [ script:tota_permid] > (@mysql-async/mysql-async.js:15543) [ script:mysql-async]

i use oxmysql ,can you help me this for fix please

doesn’t work with qb-core! It shows me this error, any solution? and I have the latest version Thank you


Hey !
You have find the solution ???

If you change the code from getplayerid to the export one yes


Just wanted to give some feedback on the bot. It crashes every 5 seconds and seems to crash whenever commands are run :face_with_peeking_eye: —that should probably be the first thing to fix. Not sure if it’s because I’m running it on a VPS (though I doubt it).

Also, there doesn’t seem to be much point in adding a permanent ID script if it doesn’t replace normal IDs with the perm ones. Just being honest here!

That said, I do appreciate the effort you’ve put into it. Hopefully, this helps make it better!
