[FREE] [RELEASE] QRP Throw - Yeeting with your friends

Want to yeet stuff with your friends? For FREE?!

Look no further. This script originated out of an original snippet I shared in a discord a couple of weeks ago. Decided to turn it into a resource and provide to you guys for free.

Full instructions on the github readme.

Check it out here:

Coming Soon:
• Demonstration video
• Throwing players (kek)
• Other stuff maybe


Added a video. Might take a few for it to show cause YouTube is slow.

Nice Releases :heart_eyes:

Noooo let me sell this noooo

get a job

throwing players if they are “Downed” would be awesome, get’s rid of the /carry script

can you please provide a fix for this? thank you

This is dope :joy: good job + it’s free!

1 Like

I’d love to be able to chuck a train or a car at someone. :thinking: :eyes:

Awesome release. Looking forward to any future developments!

Currently this resource only supports ESX Legacy, however if you want to support 1.1 or others, you’ll need to provide the appropriate ESX get methods.

You can simply remove the import in fxmanifest.lua and then use the following code at the start of the client.lua file.


ESX = nil
	while ESX == nil do
		TriggerEvent('esx:getSharedObject', function(obj) ESX = obj end)

Can I have permission to sell this? :rofl:

Thanks for the awesome release as always Noms :heart:


This is awesome!

wow that was a massive yeet! nice job

I already have a job actually

Sync with all players? GREAT JOB :smiley:


Imagine turning this into catch, and then baseball!!!

Update to this coming soon.