[FREE][RELEASE] - hakingLock - Opening cars by hacking them (lockpicking)


My resource has the same purpose as a lockpicking resource, but as we are are not in the past anymore :wink: , the player will have to use a tablet and hack the car in order to open it, instead of using a lockpicking kit.

Full screen

How to use

  1. Approach the car you want to unlock via hacking (must be locked, with any locking script)
  2. Press the H key
  3. Complete the python script situated in the upper part of the table screen. You need to complete each line that is preceded by a comment (## this is a comment).
    3.5 To do so use the informations found in the elements on the bottom of the tablet screen (see the video for more details)
  4. Press the Hack button, to open the car. If the hack was successful the car will open and the engine will start.

Here is a video to show in a more detailed way how to use the resource:


  1. Download the ZIP, extract it, rename it hackingLock (if necessary)
  2. Put the folder in the resources folder
  3. Add this following line to the server.cfg : ensure hackingLock


It does not have any requirements per say, but in order to be able to unclock a car it must be lock in the first place so you still need a locking car script (any of them should do the job, I use esx_carlock personnaly)

Other informations

  • You can totaly add this script alongside a more conventionnal lockpicking script and leave it to the player to choose, the hacking method or the lockpicking method to open a locked car.

  • All the secondery informations can be found in the Github’s README (how to change the key, add a new car etc…)



It is only the second script that I made from scratch, dont be too hard on me :wink: , don’t hesitate to ask me any questions and get back to me if you accounter any issues or bug with the resource.

Update 1 (ESX Item) !

As requested by @Beauflexx and others, I made a version in wich you need an item (ESX item) to use the hacking terminal. You can download it directly by clicking here :

hackingLockESX1.0.rar (51.5 KB)


nice release brother!

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Thanks :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Does it require an item to hack?

No it does not (could be an idea for a futur update though :slightly_smiling_face:)


I almost had to double check if it said free or paid, nowadays even simple car repair scripts are asking 5 quid like they reinvented the wheel. Thank you for providing this to the community free of charge.


yeah man its crazy what all people charge for a mod on a 8 year old game!


:clap: magnifique ressource, testé et approuvé ca marche nickel :clap:

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sick release dude :slight_smile:

Thanks ! ^^

can it be used with qb?

Hey !
Yes, it can for sure. When I made it, I wanted to make sure that people could use it regardless of the framework they are using :grinning:

wicked work :slight_smile:

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Amazing Job!! Thank you very much for this very nice content!! Are you willing on releasing it also for QBCore ?


Man this is dope, and free!! Personally need to look up how to make an item out of it. I think I got some snippets some where. Thanks for the release to the community

Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:.
I myself use ESX, but I developped it to be totaly indenpendant of any framework. So you can totaly use it if your server use QBCore, in theory (I never used QBCore as a framework, so I’m not familiar with all the intricacies, but it shouldn’t be a problem anyway ^^).

Hey, thanks :slightly_smiling_face:
I could help you to do that if you want !

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Thank you brother! I will give it a try and i will let you know :slight_smile:
In case i need to change some of the calls inside the code i will let you know and provide it to your git.


thatd be extra fly!

this get updated as an item

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