[FREE] [RELEASE] [ESX] vrs_garage - Simple Garage Fivem



Simple and optimized garage system.



  • Impound command for whitelisted jobs (/impound).
  • System to prevent vehicle duplication.
  • Possibility to buy vehicles for jobs.
  • Special garage for jobs with whitelist and without whitelist.
  • Functionality to transfer vehicles between garages with pricing.
  • Custom naming of add-on vehicles.
  • PED customization and animations available in each location.
  • Routing Bucket implementation to avoid vehicle congestion.
  • Option to find lost vehicles.
  • Live previews for vehicles.
  • Unique spaces provided in each garage.
  • Engine damage is saved.
  • Fuel level is saved.
  • Body damage is saved.




:frowning: i’m work renzu_fuel

It doesn’t support ESX 1.1 :frowning:

of course it dosen’t support

update the fuel export

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Is the problem solved ?

I cannot find any code regarding this in your garage script. And as far as I am aware, ox_lib also doesn’t have that feature.
Just curious because I am one of the very few who got this working in the first place :smiley:

that’s right, what I meant by that was visual damage like doors, windows and other things but I made a mistake in the wording. I will try to correct it.

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i dont know that i said just look on the renzu fuel and make a export for garage script

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i’m going to check it


the best, no match! Suggestion: Additional to make it sweeter. given this, SetVehicleOnGroundProperly(vehicle) and remove the JOB vehicle, so it doesn’t get mixed up :slight_smile:

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The player is given keys when pulling a car out of the garage. However, when removing a car from the impound, keys are not given. How do I fix this?

Here is the client code for spawnVehicle:

function spawnVehicle(vehicleData, plate, coords)
    if not lib.getClosestVehicle(vector3(coords), 5.0, false) then
        ESX.Game.SpawnVehicle(vehicleData.model, vector3(coords), coords.w, function(veh)
            SetPedIntoVehicle(PlayerPedId(), veh, -1)
            lib.setVehicleProperties(veh, vehicleData)
                description = locale('vehicle_out'),
                type = 'success'
            TriggerServerEvent('vrs_garage:setVehicleOut', plate, false)
            if Config.FuelSystem == 'LegacyFuel' then
                if vehicleData.fuelLevel then
                    exports["LegacyFuel"]:SetFuel(veh, vehicleData.fuelLevel)
            elseif Config.FuelSystem == 'ox_fuel' then
                Entity(veh).state.fuel = vehicleData.fuelLevel
            elseif Config.FuelSystem == 'custom' then
                -- add your custom system export here
            if Config.KeySystem == 'custom' then
                -- add your custom system export here
                -- DecorSetInt(veh, "owner", GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()))
            description = locale('vehicles_in_zone'),
            type = 'error'

try this:


That worked, thank you!

When a car is pulled out of a garage keys are given but when taken out of the impound the keys aren’t given.

I have an error that when I park the vehicle it tells me that it is not mine

[      script:oxmysql] Error: vrs_garage was unable to execute a query!
[      script:oxmysql] Column 'impound' cannot be null
[      script:oxmysql] UPDATE owned_vehicles SET stored = ?, parking = NULL, impound = NULL WHERE plate = ? and owner = ? [false,"LCV 981","char1:24c611760b0b847e055a6028ca82ae67e6ebebc8"]

How can i fix this? Also, if I buy a vehicle and bring it to the garage, when I try to put it in, he tells me that I am not the owner.

hello i have this problem!

It is a purchased vehicle and there are no errors on the console and the database is correct and the car appears mine! I use esx_legaxy 1.10.1 if someone could give me a hand I would appreciate it

I think we have the same error and apparently the problem is with es_extended from esxlegacy of the latest version

Hi, the garage is a very good script but I am using ox_fuel and the garage no longer works, I get the error that it can’t find the fuel level