[FREE] [Release] Bee's simple panic button

Version: 1.0.0 --Created by StaceyBee–
Created: 22/2/22
Name: Bee’s Panic Button

–[[ INTRO ]]–

Script bugged and left you stuck? Reset a resource at a bad time? Can’t see your character for some reason? Any other annoying situation that you may get yourself into while testing, messing around with scripting, or while just experiencing a bug?
Say no more fam.

This is a simple piece of code that will ensure that you are able to continue without having to restart your game.
Works with a command or button presses on a controller.

–[[ INSTALL ]]–

Extract folder into your resource folder, ensure beespanic in server.cfg.

–[[ SETTINGS ]]–

To change the settings open client.lua and edit the panic table at the top of script.
By default typing “/panic” into chat or holding LB&RB and pressing A with a controller will activate panic button.

Use: --<< Use Script.
Cmd: --<< Command to activate panic button.

B: --<< Controller buttons that activate panic button.
Use: --<< Use controller buttons to activate.
Hold: --<< Buttons to hold.
Press: --<< Buttons to press.

–[[ DOWNLOAD ]]–

Github: Bee’s panic button


This sounds interesting :cherry_blossom: :blush:

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Thank you to share it , I will test it for sure!


Found a mistake, after you renamed the event I guess.

RegisterCommand(panic.cmd, function()



Interesting concept though. Detach, revive, unfreeze, etc.
All the usual “undo! undo!!!” functions haha :joy:


Oh yeah. Damn. My bad I went to upload it and was like “hmmm maybe I should change the name of event so it doesnt conflict with other script”. I rushed it as it was way past my bed time. Thanks dude :smiley:

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Could you add an item check? For example you need to have a radio in the inventory to be able to push the panic button

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Sure. I’ll see what I can do when I get a bit of time.


My player went invinsible after triggering the panic command. Any Ideas?

I’m unsing esx 1.2.

Hi sorry for the slow reply. I haven’t been on here for a while. I will look into it when I can.

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