[Free][Release] AngelicXS’ Bank Truck Robbery

If you are trying to implement some sort of restriction/cooldown for the heist, I would recommend enabling the Config.RequireStartItem option as that will force the player to have a certain item on them and remove it when used.

Yes I already have that enabled but an actual cooldown option regardless of starting item would be a nice extra feature for server owners in the script. Also is there a way to make it so you also need an item to blow the truck doors?

I will not be implementing a cooldown function as this script was designed with the intention to allow multiple robberies to occur at the same time. If you would like to implement your own cooldown function I would recommend putting it at the beginning of the 'angelicxs-BankTruck:RobberyCheck' event.

Depending on if you are using a third eye system or 3dtext will change how you would implement an item requirement for the explosive portion. For an example of how to check if a player has an item you can look at the function HasItem() within the script. Note that this does NOT remove the item from the player.
For 3D text you would probably want to put this check at approximately line 430, preventing the server event from triggering if the item is not found. For the third eye you would find the server event somewhere between lines 320-376 and similar to the 3d text add the if/then statement preventing the server event from triggering if the item is not found. Once the server event is triggered you could add the item removal to that event as it is server sided.

Thank you for help, very kind

@angelicxs so question, is it possible to disable the NPC at the start and just have it so where trucks are randomly driving they can get robbed?

Not with this script; only the specifically created vehicle can be robbed.
However, if you do not want to use the starting ped and use a 3rd eye system in your server, you can turn the ped off and just use the phone booths in the city to start the heist.

Yea, i’m trying to find a script just for the random bank trucks that roam around, don’t want to start them with any heist

hey im having a problem where when the heist is complete and i loot the truck it gives me billions of dollars is there a way to change the reward money amount im using esx

In the config everything you can customize is under the reward section.

Hey there! We’re attempting to use this script but it seems to not spawn any guards. The truck spawns and just sits there, you can still blow it up and loot the truck, but no guards ever spawn. And the truck never moves.

Is there some piece in the config I’m missing?

That means the random guard model it is using is not spawning. Most likely this is being caused by some sort of whitelist/blacklist conflict.

Simply find a ped model you like that does spawn and use that in the Config.GuardType.

I too am not getting anything. I’m using qb. Do I need to add anything to the items.lua?

Without specifying what your issue is, I can only recommend that your review all the options in the config.lua and ensure it has the information required to work with your server.

wondering if i could get some help. im new to fivem server making. for some reason when i get to the truck the guards dont drive or get out until i shoot at them. i also could just walk up and plant explosives without them reacting.

Are you TPing to the location for testing purposes or actually taking the time to drive there

I figured that out after 3 hours. Thank you though.

how is this working i want it for police on the phone with coordinates

TriggerEvent('esx_addons_gcphone:sendFromServer', 'police', "Er Is Een Overval Op De Juwelier Bezig Bezig.", 'MeldKamer', {
	x = coords.x,
	y = coords.y

That looks like it would work to me.

yeah the police can see the blip markers from the truck
and this notification what u set with --triggerevent… how i get that to work?

That is related to qb-police event.