[FREE] Redesign for OX_TARGET and QB-TARGET

The design is the same for both scripts. We have only modified the layout and added a config, where you can easily change the colours.

We didn’t create the script from scratch; it’s a default from OX or QB. We’ve just redesigned it slightly to seamlessly integrate with CodeForge scripts.

OR SEE → Watch TARGET REDESIGN | Streamable

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Lines (approximately) +200
Requirements ESX
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Hello dude


Not in use:

In use:

reaches 4.0 ms

:warning: Something was broken :warning:

Qb-target :

not use : 0.00 ms

In use : 0.12 ms

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Nothing is broken, only the HTML folder has been touched xD, you can even replace just the HTML if you want.

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Thanks buddy :smiley:

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Nice redesign! OX_Target has released new version 1.14.0, can you maybe update it to current version please?

you just need to replace the html folder tho, not the whole script since it’s just a redesigned

Yes, as the colleague says, it only replaces the FRONT END, in web folder

thanks how to change colour

In config :smiley:

LOVE THE DESIGN I will use it in my server :heart:

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can’t find config file to change colour please help!

@Zeniah Hey, in the shared folder of the script we have in our github is config.lua

Hi, thank you. I did have a look in C0deForge/qb-target and there isn’t a config.lua. Am I missing something

Hey! Erstmal nices design, aber entweder bin ich zu blöd oder irgendwas klappt nicht. Ich hab euer runtergeladen für Ox, hab den Web ordner von euch kopiert und bei mir im ox eingefügt, aber das klappt so leider nicht

You have to change some things also in the client to get the config. If not, then replace the whole folder.

Exchanging folders doesnt work for me, i cant take your web folder and insert into my ox, ingame doesnt see a thing

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doesn’t show the triangle part anymore and the target options are transparent

Same on me

having the same problems as above ^^^^