[FREE] Random Encounters Script - RedM

Free Release is courtesy of Strife Social Developments

Enhance the unpredictability of your RedM server with the Random Encounter Script. This dynamic script introduces spontaneous encounters that inject excitement and challenge into the game world. Players may stumble upon unexpected confrontations with enemies appearing at various locations across the map.

Simply use the command /randomencounters to start a random encounter scenario.

Disclaimer: Support is NOT provided for this resource as it is free and open source. Please refer to the readme and license files in the resource before reproducing, modifying, or altering the resource. This resource is not to be commercially used and is provided completely free-of-charge.

strife-randomencounters-redm.zip (3.3 KB)

Code is accessible Yes/Open Source
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) NA
Requirements None
Support No

That’s great, I want to try it xD

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Not sure what this, not much in file and seems to be FiveM Model , Missing Config File

Is this all the Script ?


Hello :wave: There is no Config. file for this resource, this resource is labeled random encounters. This was produced for our server and released publicly by request, if you wish to make changes to it you are permitted to do so.



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sounds fun