[FREE] Randolio: Free Cam

A rewrite of the original cinematic cam written like 5 years ago, now using ox lib menu. Some of the controls logic was used from there because it saved time and was useful. Credits to the original resource is in the README. This is a resource to take epic screenshots in your server for those who aren’t aware. FYI, I suck at these photos and the DOF stuff but I’ll put a showcase anyway. Feel free to make PR request if you wanna add features/improve.

Github Link

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | No|
| Lines (approximately) | 250~ |
| Requirements | ox_lib |
| Support | No |


Good fkn job!

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Very nice!

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Another bangerrrrrrrr :rotating_light:

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Thanks brother

Appreciate you!

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Thank you Randolioioio! Love your scripts always, my dude. We’ve been using a photomode script, but it doesn’t have the filters like this one. I will probably be switching over. That’s one more rando script in the [rando] folder. :white_check_mark:

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Nice Release :heart:

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