[FREE] Qubit's Topology Map

What an amazing job and free. Keep doing this things. <3

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Minimap is fully working in my side, you have any script for minimap zoom etc ? or minimap ytds ?

Awsome! @M_a_e_x_B_i_t_t_e_r :partying_face: I will publish the version you made along with the normal postal version,

thanks alot for this, nice job

Design files added to topic :gift_heart:

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Interesting take on a new map, I like it.

will add postal code?

I revised everything again because the images had shifted, so I moved it correctly and expanded everything in terms of numbers and areas. I also took out the dds and only left the png in there so that you don’t need the package (NVIDIA_Texture_Tools_for_Adobe_Photoshop_2023.3.2


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Thanks, awsome!

Postal Maps White, Purple version is released on Github!
i used postals from this post [Release] Postal Code Map & Minimap - New & Improved - v1.3 thanks!

Nice release! Might have to try this one.

@Qubit the minimap dosent show your map for me :frowning:


Hello, if you are using native map zoom levels, you need to reconfigure zoom levels, here is snippet :gift_heart:

qubit-topologyzoom.zip (835 Bytes)

@Qubit works thanks but i noticed that some streets are missing

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when does the update beeing released for the postals ?

postal update is already released

The reason for this is that the map was taken directly from the GTA 5 Secret Blueprint map

will it be fixed in future ?

message it remains as a draft, sorry for late response sir :cry:, if I have free time I will publish it as an update, thank you.

Hey @Qubit,

Have you made any updates to this since?

Big fan of the map but the streets missing is off-putting for our server at the moment, the minimap is also flickering with the above snippet you put :slight_smile:

Great work though!

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