[Free] [Qbx/Qb] Popcornrp-airdefense

Been running this on our server Popcorn RP for a while now, and it’s been a fun way to make areas like Zancudo and Bolingbroke harder to get into via air. It also makes stealing aircraft from those areas difficult, if your server allows military aircraft to spawn.

You can find a preview video on the GitHub Readme:

The only dependencies are QBox or QBCore if you want exceptions for police and EMS for flight restrictions.

This also works well with my other resource popcornrp-zancudoalert which will activate the maximum wanted level and cause the military in the base to attack trespassers.

Have fun!


Thanks to Jaskaran for making some changes and adding a warning, it’s been updated!

This is awesome, great work.

Happy to help

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